So I finished my 2nd year as a Games Design student at UCLan a few weeks ago now, and even though I only just passed, I'm happy with how this year has gone. I go into my final year in September and it's gonna be a difficult year, so I decided that instead of just go straight home for the Summer, I would stick around at Uni for a bit and do some independent work in preparation for 3rd year.
I chose to do an environment because I plan to specialise in environment art and 3D modelling in my 3rd year. My plan was to make a small, simple environment, that I would try and fill with as much atmosphere and interesting stuff as possible. I decided on a mechanics garage.
Unfortunately I didn't manage to finish the full scene before going home for Summer, but I did get a fair bit done and I've gained a hell of a lot of knowledge in the process. Staying these few extra weeks has definitely been worth it and I'm excited to come back for my final year.
Anyway, here's a few screenshots of my garage scene as it stands now!
and finally, a high quality render of the desktop props...
This environment is now on hold and I'll continue working on it when I come back to Uni in September