Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Abandoned Swimming Pool (End of Semester Brief)

The most time-consuming and involving University brief I've ever done (a.ka "the reason that it's been almost a month since I last made a post") is finally finished!

For the past few weeks there's been a few big end-of-semester projects on the go that have all been pretty intense in terms of workload, and they're now all pretty much finished. Definitely the most interesting and blog-worthy project has been the creation of a "modular" game scene, which basically means that we pre-make parts of the level's architecture, like walls and floors, so that they can be repeated to speed up the level building process. We then build a level and fill it with objects etc.

As you can see, I made a fair few 3D models for this brief.


Here's a few pictures of the finished scene.

It's taken countless hours of 3D modelling in Maya and texturing in Photoshop to get it finished. I've put a lot of time into this one and I'm happy with how its turned out. I'm definitely looking forward to getting home for Christmas and taking a break now. I plan on focusing on writing loads of music for a few weeks.